Are you interested in researching your Worsfold family? Would you like help in your research as well as helping others in theirs?
At the end of 1998 the Worsfold Family History Society, ran by Mr Alan Worsfold, finished. From September 1999 I have started up a new Worsfold Family Society, it is informal but it is hoped, with a good response, to go on a more formal footing. We need people who can research the Parish registers, census returns, Wills etc, any little bit helps. I have covered the main Worsfold counties from the 1992 IGI and am in the process of extracting births, marriages and deaths from the GRO index. I am producing a Newsletter which, at the moment, will go out twice a year but could be increased to three or four times a year with a more formal Society. The subscription is £5 or £8 overseas, payment can be made by cheque or postage stamps to the above value to cover the cost of producing the Newsletter etc. To start research I suggest a small pedigree, the descendants of your great grandparents would be a start and hopefully, we can put family Members in contact with each other when we find a connection between two lines.
Alan had done a lot of work over the years and it would’ve been a shame to see it all go to waste. He has printed the Pedigree back to 1522 but a few errors have been found, I’ve spotted some on my line. The work is too much for one person which is why I’ve set up the new Society to carry Alan’s work. Too many people want information and all their work done for them without wanting to pay a professional researcher but I hope we can put something back in and not expect to take out and sit around doing nothing towards it. Hopefully, Members will contribute what they can.
Please fill in the form below if you are interested in becoming a Member
of the Worsfold Family Society and I will send you a form for your Membership
I would like to be a Member of the Worsfold Family Society, please send a Subscription form.
Name ................................................
Address ............................................................................................................................
I would like to help with Parish Registers Y/N _____
Census Returns Y/N _____
Wills/Probate Y/N ______
Other Y/N (please specify) ____________________________
I am enclosing the descendants from my great grandparents on my Worsfold line Y/N
Please return to: Mrs R E A Bullas, 18 Normandale Avenue, Laxly,
6SA England
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